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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Programming Contest

A programming contest generally involves the host presenting a set of logical or mathematical problems to the contestants (who can vary in number from tens to several thousands), and contestants are required to write computer programms capable of solving each problem. Judging is based mostly upon number of problems solved and time spent for writing successful solutions, but may also include other factors (quality of output produced, execution time, program size etc.)

There are two kinds of programming contest:
i.  Online contest - where you can participate while in home just in online.
ii. Onsite contest - You have to attend the competition and participate.

Some famous programming contest:

  1. ACM ICPC - Association of Computing Machinery sponsored International Collegiate Programming Contest. For details
  2. Google Code Jam - Google Code Jam is an international programming competition hosted and administered by GoogleClick here for details
  3. Facebook Hacker Cup - Facebook Hacker Cup is an international programming competition hosted and administered by Facebook. - Click here for details
  4. Microsoft Imagine Cup - Click here for details

Some useful sites for practicing for programming contest.....

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